This year, the Delaware Valley Science Council celebrates its 76th Annual Awards Program! We welcome your school to participate in our 2023 program for high school STEM students. Each participating school may nominate up to three junior-year students (graduating in 2024). The deadline for nomination submissions is Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:00PM. The nominated students will be emailed a link to complete an application / questionnaire about their school and STEM experiences. Applications will be evaluated by teams of area STEM professionals, and finalists selected to participate in virtual interviews in May.
A school registration form is available here. Phone and mail registrations are not accepted. The deadline again to nominate students is Tuesday, February 28, 2023. An acknowledgement will be sent promptly. Once you nominate (up to three) students, they will be added to our 2023 competitor list and will be emailed a link to the application in early March, and will have until April 7, 2023 to complete and submit their application.
A downloadable poster for announcing this year’s exams is available here.
Named finalists must be willing to attend (virtual) personal interviews to be scheduled in May 2023. Each student must also consent to the use of his name, hometown, and high school name in press information released by the Delaware Valley Science Council.
School STEM Coordinators will be kept informed throughout the program phases.